Well, it's been over 2 months since I've updated the blog! Sorry friends! I have to admit, I'm not very motivated to get on the computer after work, and we've been pretty busy on the weekends.
We've just started our spring break (it lines up with the Greek Orthodox Easter). We've rented a car for the break, and we leave tomorrow to explore Jordan. We will be at the beach for two days on the Red Sea in Aqaba, then camping in the desert in Wadi Rum for two days, and then finally on to see Petra!
So, what have we been up to since the last blog post?

During the Feb. break, we went to Jerusalem with a couple colleagues/close friends, Eileen and Regina.
AMAZING! It's impossible to describe experiences such as visiting Christ's tomb, his place of birth in Bethlehem, and climbing Mt. Olives to watch the sunset, to name just a few. Visiting Jerusalem truly was an unforgettable experience. One of those places you keep asking yourself, am I really here? We will definitely be back before we leave Jordan, hopefully with some of you! Another must see- the wall that separates Palestine and Israel, and the signs that accompany the zones. Reading about it, seeing biased news reports, nothing can substitute. One must see it, and I'll leave it at that.

Bill and I also competed in Dead to Red. A 242 km relay race from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea. I ran on a team of 10. We ran through the night and finished the next day in 18:29! Shattering our goal!!! (excuse me, I get incredibly excited every time I think about how amazing my team did, especially towards the end when we were exhausted but pushed through). The Dead to Red is another one of our unforgettable experiences in Jordan. This race is definitely one of the most challenging, but most memorable and rewarding races I have ever participated in. Bill competed with a team of 5 cyclists. His team did well, finishing in 3rd place! I hope to run it again next year, and Bill plans to compete as a solo cyclist. I know he will do well and look forward to cheering him across the finish line again next year.

I also had an amazing birthday party, shared with my lovely friend, Sheena. We were surrounded with great friends and the food and atmosphere were fantastic!
We also hosted an Easter BBQ with the boss man on the rooftop. The kids had a fun time hunting for eggs, and we again enjoyed great company and good food.
When we get back from break, we only have 7 weeks until the school year is done and we fly home! It will be a busy time, and I 'm sure time will fly. Other than work, I will be racing a 10k in Wadi Rum, that is likely to be very tough (think deep sand and then think running in it). We will also take a trip to the Dead Sea as we've seen it, but not been in it yet, and Hailee's been begging for the experience.
That's all for now! See you all soon :)
thanks fornthe update and what a wonderful time you all are having andnthe memories for the kids, amazing. we send our love!