I am so ready for the school year to be over (as is every teacher across the country), but I am so not ready to say good-byes. Today was definitely proof of that. Without any warning, Mark, a co-worker that picks on me all the time (I may or may not deserve it), gave a speech at today's pep fest. I was okay until he started crying. It's hard to explain my relationship with my co-workers at GCMS. They are not co-workers to me. In fact, many of them I consider family. They have been by my side through thick and thin. They were there for me through the passing of my father and there for Bill, Hailee, and I through what would have been a very difficult pregnancy without their support. They were also there with us to celebrate the birth of Charlee, holidays, birthdays, and much more. This is also true of our neighbors and other friends that we have been fortunate enough to share memories with while living in CO. Oh, and then there's the students. A group of my favorite girls, yes, I said favorite, cried when I did today. Then they proceeded to beg me to stay. These are the sweetest girls you've ever met, and it really broke my heart. I don't just teach my students, I build relationships with them. So saying good-bye to them is just as difficult.
Moving sale tomorrow, and lots of fun parties planned next week. I am very excited, but also know that this means the week is going to fly by. This is probably the first time in my life I am dreading my last days of the school year. I know they will be full of good-byes, which also means lots of tears. If you see me wearing my sunglasses inside next week, you won't have to ask why.
Colorado peeps, know that this is not the last you'll see of the Nelsons. I hate goodbye, so let's skip them. Besides, as my Grandma always told me, it's not goodbye- that's forever.. it's see you later.
See you later Colorado.. that's a promise <3
(tears are definitely flowing now)
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