I know, I know..my blog posts are becoming less and less frequent. This is perhaps for a few reasons.. one being that I've been completely exhausted and have very little energy when I get home from work. Two being that we are starting to settle in.
When we first arrived to Amman, we were trying to take everything in, so I'd go to work during the week and then we would be tourists on the weekend. We had a great deal of fun, but considering this was on top of being jet-lagged- maybe wasn't the best plan.
Hailee has started her beginning Arabic class and comes home with new words after every lesson. She's really enjoying learning a new language.
Charlee is... well, a 2-year-old. Terrbile 2s are here in full force, lol. Yesterday we took the girls to the playground at my school and then went out for a burger. Charlee is very fast, and on the way back to the apartment she proceeded to open the door of a moving taxi! Scared everyone in the car, including the driver. Charlee is full of energy, every hour she is awake. There isn't much down time when she's around, unless she's watching one of her favorite shows..but this too only holds her energy for a short time.
Funniest thing is, Bill is settling in the quickest. He feels completely at home and is really taking in all Jordan has to offer. I told him he was crazy when he walked to the store last night at 9:30 (Something I don't do in any city). The other night I couldn't find him, looked out the apartment window, and he was out front hanging out with a group of the locals laughing and having good conversation. Today he rode a 39 mile bike ride to Madaba and back with my principal and got to see some great sites, including a herd of camels alongside the road.
A common question is are we homesick? My answer is of course. We are human. There are things that we miss- friends and family, of course. But, there are other things as well. Friends back in Colorado have been posting picutres of the fall colors, and Fall was my favorite season back home. There are so many "comforts of home" that I often wish we had. BUT, these are all things I will have again one day. I don't miss them so much that I am letting them overshadow the amazing adventure we are on. When we one day leave Jordan, there are things I will miss here, as well. Especially the friendships. It's crazy how quickly we have formed friendships.. friendships I believe will last for a lifetime.
Things are still going well for the "Not So Ordinary Nelsons" in Amman, Jordan
I stumbled on this quote the other day (I love quotes!) and thought it was perfect- "A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with loves and dreams." Love and dreams are plentiful in this home <3
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