2 awkward moments in Italy, and of course, Charlee girl is at the center of both of them ;)
The first, a lady with a long pointed nose wearing a black jacket walks into the terminal to wait for the subway. Charlee pointing at her yells, "Mom, look, a witch! Ahhh, I scared." (all as she dramatically shivers) Luckily, I don't think the lady spoke English or really heard her, as we would have been mortified!
The second was in the Borghese gallery. The Borghese gallery is one of the most famous museums in Italy. We knew very little about it, but the owners of our bed-and-breakfast offered to book us a tour, so we said sure. A beautiful museum, but as soon as we arrived, we knew we needed a plan. First off, we explained to Hailee how women and men's bodies would be shown in Italian art. She was very mature about it I might add!. Then when we got in the museum, Bill took Hailee so they could talk about the pieces and read about them, while I took Charlee and we played a whisper game. I would tell her to find the dog or the baby, and she loved it. She actually was pretty amazed with the ceilings on her own. Here's the awkward, well actually hilarious part. Charlee didn't get the same conversation about what she might see. So when she saw the naked women, she said "Mommy, she take a shower." Now, when she saw the man, she pointed at him, covered her mouth and giggled. I asked her what was funny, her response- "Mommy, he pooped." We were all laughing so hard we were nearly in tears!!
By the way, we got several compliments from other's in the museum about how well behaved our girls were. Little did they know ;)
As we embark on this adventure of becoming expats, we want to share our experiences along the way with family and friends. Thank you for joining us in our international adventures!
Rome, Italy Dec. 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Public Restrooms in Italy
I guess I'm spoiled coming from the states, okay, I know I am in many regards!
But one thing I don't understand in Italy is public restrooms. First of all, they are few and far between. You may recall that Charlee is only 2 and hasn't been potty-trained for long. For those non-parents reading this post, this means when she has to go, she has to go now! However, you first have to look for a bar (p.s. not an American bar, more like a restaurant), and then hope they'll let you use the restroom. Oh, and ask for a toilet not a restroom, as restroom is not a word many use outside of the states.
Here's the kicker, many of them use it for business. They know they are the only place around with a public restroom, and will make you buy something in order to use the restroom. We've had a few that have made an exception for our cute smiling girls, but not many. One in fact, wanted me to buy something first, until I got angry and even though he didn't understand English, I think he understood this mom was not happy!
Here's the real kicker- we have PAID to use the restroom twice now! Yes, I guess there truly is a first time for everything. At the food court at one of the terminals, we rushed into the bathroom only to run into a man standing there with a cash register! I was sure I must of went down the wrong hallway, but nope, it was his job to collect 0.50 E from anyone who wished to enter. You could be reimbursed if you bought food, or if you had already bought food you could use your receipt for entry, but it was all still pretty crazy. The same was true at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, except no reimbursement. Kindly though, they let kids pee for free :)
But one thing I don't understand in Italy is public restrooms. First of all, they are few and far between. You may recall that Charlee is only 2 and hasn't been potty-trained for long. For those non-parents reading this post, this means when she has to go, she has to go now! However, you first have to look for a bar (p.s. not an American bar, more like a restaurant), and then hope they'll let you use the restroom. Oh, and ask for a toilet not a restroom, as restroom is not a word many use outside of the states.
Here's the kicker, many of them use it for business. They know they are the only place around with a public restroom, and will make you buy something in order to use the restroom. We've had a few that have made an exception for our cute smiling girls, but not many. One in fact, wanted me to buy something first, until I got angry and even though he didn't understand English, I think he understood this mom was not happy!
Here's the real kicker- we have PAID to use the restroom twice now! Yes, I guess there truly is a first time for everything. At the food court at one of the terminals, we rushed into the bathroom only to run into a man standing there with a cash register! I was sure I must of went down the wrong hallway, but nope, it was his job to collect 0.50 E from anyone who wished to enter. You could be reimbursed if you bought food, or if you had already bought food you could use your receipt for entry, but it was all still pretty crazy. The same was true at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, except no reimbursement. Kindly though, they let kids pee for free :)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
I plan to do most of the blogging about our trip after the new year when we arrive back in Jordan and I can go through our pictures, but since Charlee is down for a nap, I have some time to do a couple short ones.
While our car (which we're still making payments on I might add!) sits back in the states, the Nelsons have mastered the art of public transportation!
Since we've left Jordan, we've taken public transportation in the form of a plane, taxis, the metro, the bus, and trains. We didn't bring a stroller with us ( the Chariot is too big for trips like this and Charlee is not much up for riding in umbrella strollers anymore), so this was all with two kids in tow. Sometimes it was difficult, especially when we went to Florence and also had a suitcase to take on the metro and then on to the train. We handled it like pros though, once we figured out how everything works and received some help from a few kind strangers who helped us understand the foreign language printed on our tickets.
The girls are becoming really great travellers! We try to make sure we always have the ipad with movies for long trips (neither of the girls like to sleep very much during travel), snacks, books, and of course toys. Oh, and we mustn't forget the new American girl dolls Santa brought. They seem to really enjoy the metro and train, and our 8 year old and 2 year old are great at waving down taxis!
Those of you that know me well, know that I love movies and always relate things to movies. Here are a few that came up during our travels-
-I thought of Home Alone several times. In the airport, and then again when we got off of the train from Florence back to Rome and Hailee ran back on the train to get something she had forgotten. The train was continuing on from Rome and I was sure she was going to end up in another city!
-On the Polar Express the conductor (Tom Hanks) walks around with his hole punch and punches the tickets, and when one of the kid loses their ticket, he escorts them off the train. I didn't know they really did this! (the hole-punching tickets not escorting off the train) When we got on the train, no one checked our tickets until halfway tthrough the trip. I thought this was crazy, but I guess it works. Anyway, as much stuff as we were lugging around I was sure we were going to misplace our ticket, which of course means you'll be thrown off the train!! Okay, okay, I knew we wouldn't be thrown off the train, but I kept that ticket in my sight just in case ;)
While our car (which we're still making payments on I might add!) sits back in the states, the Nelsons have mastered the art of public transportation!
Since we've left Jordan, we've taken public transportation in the form of a plane, taxis, the metro, the bus, and trains. We didn't bring a stroller with us ( the Chariot is too big for trips like this and Charlee is not much up for riding in umbrella strollers anymore), so this was all with two kids in tow. Sometimes it was difficult, especially when we went to Florence and also had a suitcase to take on the metro and then on to the train. We handled it like pros though, once we figured out how everything works and received some help from a few kind strangers who helped us understand the foreign language printed on our tickets.
The girls are becoming really great travellers! We try to make sure we always have the ipad with movies for long trips (neither of the girls like to sleep very much during travel), snacks, books, and of course toys. Oh, and we mustn't forget the new American girl dolls Santa brought. They seem to really enjoy the metro and train, and our 8 year old and 2 year old are great at waving down taxis!
Those of you that know me well, know that I love movies and always relate things to movies. Here are a few that came up during our travels-
-I thought of Home Alone several times. In the airport, and then again when we got off of the train from Florence back to Rome and Hailee ran back on the train to get something she had forgotten. The train was continuing on from Rome and I was sure she was going to end up in another city!
-On the Polar Express the conductor (Tom Hanks) walks around with his hole punch and punches the tickets, and when one of the kid loses their ticket, he escorts them off the train. I didn't know they really did this! (the hole-punching tickets not escorting off the train) When we got on the train, no one checked our tickets until halfway tthrough the trip. I thought this was crazy, but I guess it works. Anyway, as much stuff as we were lugging around I was sure we were going to misplace our ticket, which of course means you'll be thrown off the train!! Okay, okay, I knew we wouldn't be thrown off the train, but I kept that ticket in my sight just in case ;)
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Can't forget the horse-drawn carriage on Christmas Eve! More on that later... |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Today's the day! Italy here we come!!

not a creature was stirring not even a mouse,
the stockings were packed in the suitcase with care,
in hopes that the Italy trip soon would be here!
I set my alarm for 7 am today. Our airport pick-up time is 8:15. It's a quarter to 6, and I'm up. I tried to go back to sleep, but no luck. Far too much excitement!!
In less than 12 hours, we will be in Rome!! When I began this international teacher search, Bill and I decided that if I got the job, we would travel to Italy for our 10 year anniversary (Dec. 29th). Back then it seemed like nothing more than a dream. That dream has now become a reality! Chase your dreams friends, they really can come true!!
We've never spent Christmas in a Bed and Breakfast/hotel, so packing's been interesting. We aren't taking much as far as gifts, but we have Chucke (our Elf), the Christmas movies for evenings back in the room, and our stockings. The owners of our bed and breakfast have thought of everything, and they made us reservations for a Christmas Eve Dinner and Christmas lunch-- Italian style. Breaking tradition this year, and eating spaghetti for our Christmas meal. I'm sure the girls won't mind one bit :)
We will be in Rome until the 26th, then off to Florence for 3 days (so we can take Hailee to see the leaning tower of Piza), and then back to Rome from the 29th to the 2nd of January.
It's still a little early to say, but I think this might be our best Christmas break yet!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Christmas in Amman
We have been pleasantly surprised with the Christmas spirit seen throughout Amman! We knew we were moving to a (mostly) Muslim country, and so we weren't expecting a whole lot of holiday cheer. Which is why we have been so impressed and thrilled with all we've seen! We are told there is much more this year than years previous, which leads me to believe that someone knew the Nelsons were coming ;-)
Here are a few Christmas season highlights-
-Holiday decorations in most of the stores we frequently visit- Christmas trees, lights, Santa figurines, etc. More and more as each week passes! We even saw some lights when we were walking home one night.
-We've attended many holiday bazaars, which are like craft fairs back home. Some were rather small and disappointing, but some were fantastic! Our favorite was hosted by the Orthodox Club and was amazing. We walked into a decorated gym filled with Christmas spirit from the various items for sale, to the real-live snow globe (which the girls adored), to the nativity scene and Christmas music filling the gym.

- We visited Santa at one of the bazaars and he was well... different, lol. I mean it was a great effort and we truly appreciated it, but he was wearing Nikes, his beard was falling off and his hair covered his eyes, he was skinny.. and instead of elves, he had Hello Kitty by his side! He loved the girls though, and since there weren't many kids, they got to spend much longer with him than previous year's Santa visits. A great memory that we will surely laugh about for years to come!
-We weren't expecting it, but the girls had another Santa visit!! We walked into Taj Mall, and to our amazement we found an AMAZING Santa display! I have never seen such an elaborate Santa display, so we were quite thrilled. It was by far the best we've seen (but the best Santa award still goes to Santa at The North Pole theme park in Colorado Springs). The stairs in the picture are part of the display, and the elf was wearing a costume like the elves in The Christmas Story :) That day we also got to color Christmas cards in the middle of the mall.
- At work we are doing Secret Santa!! Yay!! I've done Secret Santa every year as a teacher, so I am thrilled I get to continue the tradition. We also have a beautiful Christmas tree. I love the little things. Little things that make a big difference, and make me smile :)
We've really enjoyed the Christmas season, and the best is yet to come! Only 4 days left of work, and we are off to Italy for 10 days to celebrate Christmas, New Year's, and our 10 year anniversary! The Christmas season is always great, but instead of shopping endlessly to find all the perfect gifts, this year we are giving each other the gift of travel, and more importantly the gift of time. The girls are only getting gifts from Santa this year, and a few from family members. Their gift from mommy and daddy is our trip and time together as a family and turns out, they don't mind one bit. When we told Hailee, she was getting a trip to Italy with her family, instead of gifts, her response was, "Can we see the leaning tower of Pisa?"
Here are a few Christmas season highlights-
- We visited Santa at one of the bazaars and he was well... different, lol. I mean it was a great effort and we truly appreciated it, but he was wearing Nikes, his beard was falling off and his hair covered his eyes, he was skinny.. and instead of elves, he had Hello Kitty by his side! He loved the girls though, and since there weren't many kids, they got to spend much longer with him than previous year's Santa visits. A great memory that we will surely laugh about for years to come!
We've really enjoyed the Christmas season, and the best is yet to come! Only 4 days left of work, and we are off to Italy for 10 days to celebrate Christmas, New Year's, and our 10 year anniversary! The Christmas season is always great, but instead of shopping endlessly to find all the perfect gifts, this year we are giving each other the gift of travel, and more importantly the gift of time. The girls are only getting gifts from Santa this year, and a few from family members. Their gift from mommy and daddy is our trip and time together as a family and turns out, they don't mind one bit. When we told Hailee, she was getting a trip to Italy with her family, instead of gifts, her response was, "Can we see the leaning tower of Pisa?"
Merry Christmas to all our family and friends! We love and miss you all!!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Start to our Holiday Season in Amman
Chucke joined us after Thanksgiving. Chucke is our elf on the shelf. Yes, I know his name is kind of creepy, but Hailee named him (the spelling is her's as well) when she was in Kinder. He brought the girls a north pole breakfast complete with hot chocolate, donuts, and of course lots of candy. We enjoyed our north pole breakfast while watching Elf, another great new holiday tradition.
Afterwards, we went to church for the first time since we've been to Amman. It was amazing!! I'm embarrased to say I had forgotten how amazing it is to feel God's presence. I am excited to go back next week!!
Oh.. although not holiday related, a couple exciting things have happened with Charlee that have made life much easier around here! Charlee is now potty-trained!! Diapers are only needed for bedtime :) Also, she is back to going to sleep by herself in her own bed. Such a big deal, and has made evenings so much nicer.
Lastly, we have to brag on Hailee a bit. She got a level 7 on her math test this week, which is the highest you can get! She got a perfect score!! We are so proud of her. She's really working hard, and is becoming so responsible with her studies.
That's all for now... Happy Holidays!!
1st Thanksgiving in Amman
Thanksgiving was well, amazing!!
Of course, Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here in Amman, so we worked on Thursday. Thursday we started a new family tradition, and huddled around the computer to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We enjoyed it.. well, except for when the giant goldfish balloon came on the screen. Charlee cried for about 10 minutes because she wanted goldfish! When we head home this summer we are taking nearly empty suitcases, that way we have room to bring important things back with us-- you know, like goldfish ;) I am devoting one whole suitcase to Costco!!
Anyhow, back to Thanksgiving. Our neighbor across the hall and colleague Christine, put together an amazing Thanksgiving dinner. I mean, amazing!! We got a menu ahead of time, so I was drooling for a week! Christine is an amazing host, and worked so hard to put together an amazing Thanksgiving. Thank you Christine!
My job was pumpkin pie, but since we couldn't find frozen pie crust, I didn't have a pie pan. Solution--mini pumpkin pies in a muffin pan! A fun little dessert that the girls and I enjoyed making together. Looking forward to next year!
Oh, and to finish off the night we put up a tree! Yay!! Bill found us a tree-- actually Christmas decorations here aren't too hard to find, much to our surprise. So in Nelson family tradition, we decorated the tree and watched National Lampoon's Christmas vacation <3 A great start to the holiday season.
Hope everyone had an amazing turkey day! We all have so much to be thankful for!!
Of course, Thanksgiving isn't a holiday here in Amman, so we worked on Thursday. Thursday we started a new family tradition, and huddled around the computer to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. We enjoyed it.. well, except for when the giant goldfish balloon came on the screen. Charlee cried for about 10 minutes because she wanted goldfish! When we head home this summer we are taking nearly empty suitcases, that way we have room to bring important things back with us-- you know, like goldfish ;) I am devoting one whole suitcase to Costco!!
Anyhow, back to Thanksgiving. Our neighbor across the hall and colleague Christine, put together an amazing Thanksgiving dinner. I mean, amazing!! We got a menu ahead of time, so I was drooling for a week! Christine is an amazing host, and worked so hard to put together an amazing Thanksgiving. Thank you Christine!
My job was pumpkin pie, but since we couldn't find frozen pie crust, I didn't have a pie pan. Solution--mini pumpkin pies in a muffin pan! A fun little dessert that the girls and I enjoyed making together. Looking forward to next year!
Oh, and to finish off the night we put up a tree! Yay!! Bill found us a tree-- actually Christmas decorations here aren't too hard to find, much to our surprise. So in Nelson family tradition, we decorated the tree and watched National Lampoon's Christmas vacation <3 A great start to the holiday season.
Hope everyone had an amazing turkey day! We all have so much to be thankful for!!
appetizers |
(part of) the IAA family |
Just look at all the amazing food! |
our wonderful host |
Charlee and Carrie |
Hailee and Carrie |
Charlee and Sheena |
Natasha and Hailee |
Christmas tree time! |
So thankful for our cute little Charlie Brown tree <3 |
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